
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cookie Story

Last September, my step-son and I brought home a baby puppy. We named him Cookie. ...this could not have been a more perfect name for the personality that came from this pup.
Baby Cookie Pup ( he started out WAY smaller than this)
Cookie Pup and his old shoe...which he eventually chewed to oblivion
He started out small and kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger! He still has not stopped growing! Unfortunately, Cookie still thinks he is little and has yet to realize that he can not fit under certain things anymore... tv trays, my recliner, our bed, etc. James especially hates when he tries to get under the tv tray and ends up wearing it like a horse saddle...there goes dinner.

James and I decided the fuzzies need a day out at the land. I loaded Chester and Cookie up and off we went. We were there quite a while, so I decided to let Cookie be Cookie...


Now you know our lovely baby fuzzy's personality...
So here is the story...

I have been busy painting several mosaic paintings for the outside artwork. I had just finished the mosaic alligator, had it propped up under the kitchen table, and was busy painting the mosaic crawfish. Cookie was in his usual spot, asleep right beside me. All the windows were open, because it was a beautiful Spring day and I decided to air the house out. You could hear all kinds of noises, like cars passing, people riding bikes down the road, etc. 
Cookie jumped up and started blowing and making sharp muffled growls. I assumed he heard something outside and was doing his best to scare whatever away. I looked up and saw...
dear, sweet, silly Cookie with all his hair standing straight up, prowling all around the mosaic alligator painting! Yes, he was quite scared and was doing his best to seem brave and run the gator off.
Atleast I now know my painting looks as realistic as a mosaic critter can.
Thanks, Cookie, for the compliment

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